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Deployment Engineer

北美洲-美国 |1-3年经验 |本科学历
领导好 发展空间大 AI 人工智能 移动机器人 赛道好
2024-05-22 更新被浏览:
到岗时间:随时 婚况要求:不限婚况

About ForwardX: ForwardX Robotics is a company of AI-empowered mobile robotics for the manufacturing, logistics, and retail industries. Offering a wide range of vision-first Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and intelligent fleet management software, ForwardX’s solutions help supply chain operations automate material handling tasks in their facilities, from warehouses to production floors. Developer of the most intelligent AMRs On the market, ForwardX’s core competencies include computer vision, machine learning, and advanced robotics. With a huge need in the global market for our solutions and massive market potential, ForwardX is looking for a talented technician to join our US team as a Deployment Engineer. Deployment Engineers travel often (upwards of 50% of the time) to be Onsite during implementation. Implementations typically last 3-4 weeks and more complex projects may require additional time Onsite. About the Job: objectives of this Role • Deliver successful implementations of mobile robot fleets through leading implementation projects at customer sites and overcoming the challenges associated with robotics deployment; • Build strong, long-lasting relationships with customer-side stakeholders, from warehouse managers and technical engineers to executive-level endorsees, through focusing On and achieving project milestones; • Enable customers to reach user mastery and a high level of technical self-sufficiency through in-depth Onsite customer training and troubleshooting. Responsibilities: • Lead the creation and communication of detailed project plans for On-site robotics deployments, including hardware, software, and network plans; • Manage a variety of customer-side stakeholder relationships before, during, and after On-site implementation of ForwardX solutions through close communication and expectation management; • Lead On-site implementation from environmental and network set-up to robot hardware and software set-up through executing structured plans according to agreed-upon steps and overcoming unforeseen challenges; • Lead On-site solution optimization after go-live in order to meet and exceed SLAs through a combination of executing established protocols for improvement and trial-and-error methods; • Contribute to, localize, and deliver detailed training programs, including documentation, for relevant On-site customer-side stakeholders, from facility managers to first-line robot operators; • Document, analyze, and internally communicate detailed logs of On-site implementation activities in order to ensure continuous improvement. About You: Skills & Qualifications: • Up to Bachelor’s or Master’s in Robotics, Engineering (Industrial or Mechanical), Computer Science or related field; • 2 years of direct experience deploying automated material handling equipment, automation, or robotics; experience deploying AGVs and SLAM-based robotics preferred; • 1 years of project management experience in a technical context, such as IT or complex professional systems deployment; • Strong experience with Linux/Ubuntu and MySQL; experience with ROS and CAD preferred; • General knowledge of VPNs, firewalls, and routers; those with CCNA/CCNP certification preferred; • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; Mandarin Chinese would be preferred. Values required: • Systematic – You prefer to work within a structured process or environment and, therefore, strive to establish and develop systems for your work and the work of those around you; • Entrepreneurial – You are always looking for ways to solve problems and appreciate that it is up to the individual to go out and make things happen; • Detail-oriented – You understand that the difference between good and great is attention to detail; • Inquisitive – You are not afraid of doing things you’ve never done before because you inquire, independently research, and ask questions; • Accountable – You take responsibility for the outcome of your team and understand your contribution plays a large part in the overall result; • Motivated – You can self-motivate and motivate those around you to meet the high expectations you set for yourself and others; • Composed – You are experienced in and excel when working to time-bound targets and actively seek to meet and exceed the targets set.

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最近在线时间:2022-05-22 14:05
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灵动科技是全球化的视觉导航移动机器人(AMR)企业,提供各类仓储和制造业车间内端到端物流解决方案,包含物料搬运、拣选、对接、存储管理等。公司成立4年,已完成5轮逾5亿元人民币融资,投资方包括鼎晖投资、招商局资本、钟鼎创投等知名投资机构。公司规模近300人,包括150位研发工程师,70%以上硕士,博士博士后10余位。公司已申请专利200项,并已经取得11项美国发明专利授权。 灵动科技AMR凭借端到端的集群调度和视觉优势,持续帮助企业降本增效。公司已服务了众多头部企业,包括TCL、丰田合成、京东物流、顺丰DHL供应链中国、欣旺达等,并成为华为严选的机器人合作伙伴
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