FMCG Vertical Sales Manager 15000-25000元 收藏 投递简历 主管直聊
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FMCG Vertical Sales Manager

中国-上海 |1-3年经验 |本科学历
领导好 发展空间大 公司规模大 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升
2023-08-05 更新被浏览:
到岗时间:随时 婚况要求:不限婚况

职责描述: • Accountable for acquiring and securing new customers in L&S and other Maersk products through Ongoing strong management of a robust sales pipeline. • Responsible for target customers’ RFQ preparation and responses, solution design, value propositions, client presentations, gathering Maersk capability information (case studies/references), maintaining information On what we do globally for clients today, and providing input On client requirements with unique solution proposals. • Accountable for developing customer relationships with senior decision-makers and introducing them to key Maersk executives through well-planned and coordinated customer events and QBRs or other means. Able to demonstrate quantitatively how Maersk can bring customers’ strategies to life, while detailing specific qualitative competitive advantages of working with Maersk. • Accountable for ensuring that customized customer solutions are fully-scoped, with robust pre- and post-sales engagements and commitment from internal pursuit team members, enabling flawless execution of the sold value proposition. All contracts and agreements for each customer solution to be vetted and authorised by all respective signatories from both internal and external parties, in line with Maersk corporate guidelines, policies, procedures and ethics. • Accountable for the implementation and compliance of all relevant commercial ‘ways of working’ blueprints and all associated tools, including (where relevant) Account Management plans and Pursuit Plans, to continuously drive results from Existing and New Solutions Customers • Encouraged to build and leverage external network to bring increased awareness about Maersk’s global brand and specific capabilities in local markets, with a key focus On our global network and customer support. • Accountable for ensuring that IOP/SOP’s / contracts / agreements for all customers within the Solutions portfolio are comprehensively documented, maintained and appropriately communicated to all relevant internal and external parties. 任职要求: • 10 yearsin a customer facing sales role within the logistics industry; passionate about engaging and serving customers • At least 5 years Selling to customers at the Regional Director Level experience is essential with ability to understand how supply chain solutions may be leveraged to deliver strategic intent across all functions of a client’s business • Previous relevant commercial experience with FMCG customers making logistics decision in GCA. • An expert understanding of logistics products, solutions, pricing and terminology, in the local market and industry. Experience in the latest Supply Chain Development solutions and offerings to FMCG customers would be a plus • Understands the competitive landscape, and can adjust approaches to customers as a result • Proven track record of targeting, pursuing and winning large/midium opportunities for FMCG customers,through both personal and collaborative selling efforts, in tendered environments through team work • Strong presence and ability to communicate / present / consult with high level decision makers • Familiar with solutions design and the complexity of matching client needs with flexible service offerings • Proven track record in a matrix, multi-cultural organisation, building strong relationships and networking both locally and globally • Strong business acumen (ability to apply commercial and financial understanding of solution value to both customer and Maersk), with experience in the business development process, including client needs identification and solutions design. • Well-developed, confident communication, persuasiveness, influencing, presentation and negotiating skills • Self-motivated and performance-driven; strategic thinking with both short- and long-term planning skills; strengths in time management with regards to managing multiple objectives and priorities • Able to achieve results through result-oriented strategy, along with team work, positive spirit cross-functional cooperation; • Strong background in FMCG client retention and relationship-building skills from past and present experience in business development and sales exposure. Confident in offering consultative recommendations to clients that would results in long-term strategic value across business units • Fluency in English and local language (where different) with ability to deliver clear communication On different organizational levels in both written and oral communications to gain buy-in and excitement with both internal and external stakeholders.

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  • 500-1000人
  • 1064万
马士基集团成立于1904年,总部位于丹麦哥本哈根,全球雇员达到10.8万人,在130多个国家设有400余个分公司。除航运业外,集团多元化的业务范围广及物流,石油及天然气之勘探和生产,造船业,航空业,工业生产,超级市场零售业和IT等范围。2011年美国财富500强中排名第144位。 马士基航运80年代末进入中国,目前在中国的41座城市,设有110个分支机构,9千名雇员。马士基信息处理(成都)有限公司是马士基集团在全球设立的第五个数据、信息处理中心,公司位于成都市高新区天府软件园D3栋和C12栋,主要向全球马士基集团内部提供船务进出口单证处理、电子订舱、在线客服及财务和会计单证处理,70%为离岸业务。 马士基在2009年10月西博会时进驻天府软件园,经过两年多的快速发展,各项业务均已步入正轨。成都的全球服务中心是马士基全球5大数据处理中心最新成立的信息处理中心。截止至2012年8月雇员总数已达到1500人。 目前在马士基全球服务中心的上千名员工,致力于将梦想转变为现实,我们一直以精益求精的姿态创造出优质的服务。
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